Our Pillars

The Vision Statement declares the direction of our ministry. The Pillars of our ministry state foundational biblical commitments that lead us toward our shared Vision.

Pillar One: Word

We believe that all legitimate experience of God is grounded in knowing God, and we believe that the way God has chosen to make Himself known to us is in the perfect Word of God, the Bible, which is all about Jesus (Luke 24:13-35).

Therefore, we are committed to verse-by-verse, Christ-centered, expository preaching that is authoritative, passionate, and comes straight from the text of Holy Scripture.

Pillar Two: Worship

Worship is about bowing before Him and giving “to the Lord the glory due His name” (Psalm 96:8). Thoughts that reflect and respond to His self-revelation in His Word about Christ bring glory to Him. Therefore, our worship is passionate, reverent, God-centered, Christ-exalting, Spirit-filled, and Bible-saturated.

Pillar Three: World

We believe that God saves us and fills us with His Spirit for the purpose of being witnesses to Christ at home and around the world, no matter the cost to us (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8). Therefore, we share a radical commitment to boldly proclaim the fullness of the biblical gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ alone beginning in Lexington, KY and extending to the ends of the earth.