
Looking to the Reward of Greater Wealth (Hebrews 11:24-28)


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Sermon by Pastor David Prince

1. Time (v. 24-25)

2. Treasure (v. 26)

3. Fear (v. 27-28)

Sermon Excerpt: Kingdom & Treasure

Sermon Excerpt: Liberated to be Courageous

Sermon Excerpt: Living For the Dot is Sin

Sermon Excerpt: Profane Your Money!

Sermon Excerpt: Everybody Fears Someone


By |2016-12-31T09:53:13-05:00November 16th, 2014|Comments Off on Looking to the Reward of Greater Wealth (Hebrews 11:24-28)

Why Are You Standing Looking Into Heaven? (Acts 1:1-11)

The sermon begins at the 34:36 mark

Sermon by Pastor David Prince

1. The Kingdom of God in Christ is the Mission (v. 1-3)

2. The Kingdom of God in Christ is at Hand, So Be on Mission (v. 4-9)

3. The Kingdom of God in Christ is […]

By |2016-12-31T09:53:13-05:00November 9th, 2014|Comments Off on Why Are You Standing Looking Into Heaven? (Acts 1:1-11)