Children’s Worship

For families who desire to send their children, Journey provides children’s worship during our 10:00 a.m. worship time.

Toddlers and 2 year olds

This age group uses a curriculum from Children Desiring God called “A Sure Foundation.” The children experience a short lesson each Sunday, part of a 13 week sequence that teaches a basic overview of the Bible story at the youngest level.

Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 year olds)

This age group explores The Gospel Project, a fuller overview of the Bible that repeats over 3 years.

Grades K-2

This age group begins their time of worship in the adult service. The children who participate in the optional elementary worship transition for their own worship service. (Look for the children’s dismissal slide shown on the screens just before the sermon).

Toddlers and 2 year olds

This are group uses a curriculum from Children Desiring God called “A Sure Foundation.” The children experience a short lesson each Sunday, part of a 13 week sequence that teaches a basic overview of the Bible story at the youngest level.

Pre-Kindergarten (3-5 year olds)

This age group explores The Gospel Project, a fuller overview of the Bible that repeats over 3 years.

Grades K-2

This age group begins their time of worship in the adult service. The children who participate in the optional elementary worship transition for their own worship service. (Look for the children’s dismissal slide shown on the screens just before the sermon).