Yesterday, Pastor David preached on Numbers 17 and reminded us that our words matter. “There are no neutral words,” he said. It was a powerful reminder that our words are derivatives of the words of God. And that means that our words should honor Him.

Joe Rigney has written an excellent post worth your time on the power of words. He writes,

We don’t think about the mysterious power of speech enough. But words matter. The world was established by the word of the living God, by the God who is himself the Word (Genesis 1:3; Psalm 33:6–9; John 1:1). This same God has created us in his image and given us the awesome and wondrous gift of speech. We are named by him as his image-bearers and then unleashed to name his world. But what exactly does it mean to name his world? What is naming, and how does it work? More importantly, how may we learn to do it faithfully?

You can read the whole article here.